Wednesday, July 21, 2010

During Vacation Bible School as well as last Sunday we have supported a missionary from Liberia, Africa named Anne-Marie Simbagoye. Anne-Marie is a French speaking native of Burundi and a teacher. During violent wars in Burundi she became a refugee in Kenya and began a school for the children of other French speaking refugees. She and her husband, also a United Methodist Missionary, later moved to Liberia where she continued to work with children in the J.J. Roberts United Methodist School Monrovia, Liberia.
Our support of Anne-Marie has qualified us as a Five Star Church in the Central Texas Conference. Should we decide to further our relationship with her and become a Covenant Partner with her work and another Person in Ministry, we could do so and then qualify for recognition with the Global Board of Missions. I hope you will consider this extra-mile of mission support: not for the recognition, but for the work that we will be able to support around the world. The total financial support of these missionaries for our church would be $1300. With only having started this initiative last week we already have over $300 pledged for this cause.
I am proud to sat that it looks to me like Wortham First is about to be once again recognized a people of God that put mission and ministry around the world high on their list of priorities.

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