Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5th - Graduation Sunday!!!

I wanted to mention two things this week in my note to you the ministers of Wortham First...
1) Next week would be the Sunday for our 5th Sunday Celebration. It was scheduled to be at First Baptist Church and I was to preacher; however, the Baccalaureate Service has been planned for that evening instead. I hope you will take the time to be a part of this great worship event in the community.
That being said, one of the things that happens at the 5th Sunday Gatherings is an offering for the Ministerial Alliance Fund. Fortunately we have been able to help many families over the past months, sadly we are in need of funds to continue helping as we have. Since the Ministerial Alliance will not be receiving an offering the other pastors and I have decided to take a special offering next week. The offering will be gathered in addition to our normal monthly offering.
2) Additionally, next week will be an opportunity for you to celebrate with the graduating seniors of our church. Brittany Graham, Levi Lansford, and Bradley Paradoski will be graduating this year and will be invited to the Altar for a special time to honor and congratulate them as they move forward with their life and find where it is that God is calling them.
Peace, Jay
PS. Don't forget to bring your canned goods for the food pantry. Especially needed are canned meats, boxed dinners, canisters of Quaker Oatmeal, syrup, and peanut butter and jelly.

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