Saturday, August 20, 2011

Here We Go!

The temperature still reminds us that summer is in full swing, but for many families summer will end with the beginning of school on Monday morning. Kids will excitedly begin a new year of adventures and learning while parents lament how quickly time is passing and the children are growing.

With the FUMC family home from trips, visits and vacations it is time for us to get ready for another active year. There is plenty of work to do for God's kingdom. As we step out in faith and reach out to our community and our neighbors with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness we know that we do not work alone but always with our Savior before us, beside us and behind us.

Mark your calendars, raise your hands, and open your hearts and minds in preparation for the wonderful things our God has in store.

Missional & Volunteer Opportunities
"Sympathy is no substitute for action." — David Livingstone, 19th Century Missionary

The Food Pantry is still extremely low on supplies. Tammy Fuentes has expressed concern about the food pantry’s ability to make it to the food drives that begin in November. Any and all monetary and food donations will be appreciated.

Community Benevolence Fund has collected around $400.00 at the 5th Sunday Service. Due to increased demand donations are greatly needed to help make it to the next 5th Sunday.

Christian Clothes Closet is preparing for a sale in the fellowship hall. Volunteers are still needed to help organize items for the sale. See Katy for more details.

Volunteers are needed ASAP for: Acolyte scheduling, Sunday School, Nursery, Pre-Worship, Running and programming the projector, Cub Scouts
See Pastor Harris to get plugged in.

Mark your Calendar

Friday, September 9 – 5th Quarter in the park. Volunteers needed for food, drinks and their presence.
Saturday, September 10 – Blues Festival. We have reserved a booth so that our church can sell fish and fries as a fund-raiser. Volunteers needed.
Sunday, September 11 – Patriots Day; Special Service to honor our men and women in Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting and other Emergency Services.
Friday, September 23 - 5th Quarter in the park.
Friday, October 7 - 5th Quarter in the park.

Coming Events

Bible Studies, Acolyte training, Youth gatherings, Movie nights

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