Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday Meal a Reality?

In our recent Leadership Retreat we discussed several areas of possible outreach and improvement at the church. Some of these include a community clean-up day where we go door-to-door and street-to-street offering to clean street curbs and/or rake leaves, Re-Starting our monthly Children's Time, initiating a community volleyball tournament, developing and starting a new youth program, activating our Emmaus Community, becoming more visible with newsletters and mailings, going door-to-door with door hangers and "12 Second Evangelism", adding a Wednesday Community Meal to the schedule of Wednesday activities, as well as many other great ideas.
The Wednesday Community Meal has been discussed before and looks like something that will actually happen. Several times we have had snacks or a meal at the 6:00 Bible Study but that was for limited number. The idea of the Wednesday meal is that the parent's of the Scouts, members of the Bible Study, and Worthamites in general can have the opportunity to have a hot meal prepared for them at little or no cost (donation only) where they can sit down, visit with the family or others, and not worry about the cooking, set-up and clean-up of the meal.
We am proud to announce that we will have a test run of this community meal starting in April and being served bi-monthly, April 7th and 21st. On April 7th we will have King Ranch Chicken, Salad, and Mexican Cheesecake for our first meal. The meal will be served from 5:15 - 5:45 with the Bible Study following at 6:00.
We look forward to the great ministry that can and will grow from this community meal. I hope you will all join us as we gather in fellowship for the meal.

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