Thursday, June 18, 2009

200,000 pennies needed

Our children's ministry has been collecting pennies to support the Nothing But Net's campaign of the United Methodist Church. To date they have collected some 20,000 pennies and still have through July before the fund raiser is over. Our Vacation Bible School, July 6 - 10, 6:00 - 8:30 PM, has a Safari theme and the VBS offering will go toward the Nothing but Net's campaign as well. At the end of July the children will be sending all the funds raised through to this great initiative and I am so proud of them.

As I was thinking about all that the kids are doing (and watching a few RETHINK Church video's on I found this add for Nothing But Nets. I don't know who the kid is but the video was produced by my old church, FUMC Lufkin. Copy the link below into your browser to see this cute video.

Here is another one that gets the point across in a different way...

And finally.... a serious one...

If you are not able to give at our church, give somewhere. $10.00 can make a difference. You can save a life.

If you save a life and I save a life and then each of them save a life and each of them....

I think Jesus said something about "the least of these" somewhere, didn't he?

You get the point! Join us because

Together we can....
Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors
The People of the United Methodist Church.

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