Monday, May 4, 2009

Stewardship Begins

This month we will be discussing our commitment to, not only the church, but to God. As United Methodists we vow to support our church, and therefore God, through our "prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness." That is what we will be covering through the sermons this month as well as in other ways.
A major part of this discussion will be our own personal financial situations as well as what it means to tithe, i.e. to give a tenth of all you have to the Lord. I have heard some say well, I give more time so that counts for money. I have used this same line of reasoning as well, BUT... if we are true to our conviction that all we have and all we are truly belongs to God, then would it not make sense to give at least a tenth of all we have back to God? At tenth of our time, a tenth of our energy, a tenth of our resources, a tenth of our finances...?
This month I hope we can challenge each other to look beyond our conventional wisdom and see how it is that God is calling us to be His people.
Peace and Grace,

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