Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord;
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior whom we serve and worship together. As we conclude the Easter Season I pray that the celebration of our Lord's Resurrection continues to be a blessing to you.
This month we as a church have chosen to focus on the stewardship of all that God has given us. As United Methodists we recognize this with our vows to support the church by our “Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Services, and Witness.” Over the past weeks our worship has focused on these areas as a part of our devotion to God. This past Sunday we specifically talked about the giving of our finances and the goal to make Tithing a priority. It is my belief that God will bless those who bless him. It is also my belief that our financial giving to God is not an investment plan where we can expect some financial gain as with the stock market. Most often the blessings received have more to do with our continued growth as a follower of Christ and less to to with money.
Does the church need your continued financial support to function properly? Of course it does. The churches that are built, the maintenance of this church, the children that are fed, the mission trips that are promoted, the children and youth ministries, the food pantry, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, Aldersgate Enrichment Center, the Wesleyan Homes, the Methodist Children's Home, the United Christian Fellowship and Wesley Centers on Colleges and Universities, ... are all supported by you. We can not reach out to and support all these great ministries without you. In Money Matters, Financial Freedom for All God's Churches, Rev. Michael Slaughter of Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church says that many of the churched people “measure their lives and values in terms of possessions, positions, and prestige” yet true “life is found in our ability to make a lasting contribution to the redemptive work of God in the world. The only thing that lives beyond us is what we do for others in Jesus' name.”But there is more to it than that.
Remembering that Malachi 3:10 tells us to “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse...”; understanding that we are instructed in Acts 2:43-45 to pool all our resources for the benefit of the Kingdom of God; and recognizing that Matthew 6:21 reminds us that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” I invite you to a new level of giving to our Lord through your support of the church.
As a part of your continued devotion to God and the recognition of your call to “make a lasting contribution to the redemptive work of God in the world” I invite you to take this opportunity to review where your giving is with God and begin to make tithing a goal. Enclosed is a card that can help you do that. On one side is a Percentage Giving Matrix to help you calculate what percentage of income you are currently giving and how much a tithe (10%) of it is. If you find you are already giving a tithe I am proud of you and pray that you will continue to follow God's direction in your financial stewardship. If however you find that you are lacking in this area of discipleship I encourage you to move up a step or two toward the full tithe. On the other side is a section for you to complete and return to the church on the first Sunday in June. As you see there is no name on the card but I want you to know that I will be praying for you as I pray over these cards monthly. My hope is that over the next few years we will all continue to grow in following God's direction with our finances and see the mighty things that God can do with this church when God's people follow God with all their heart, mind, and soul.
May God Continue to bless you as you are a blessing to others.
Peace and Grace,
Rev. Jay Fraze
First United Methodist Church of Wortham is a worshiping community located at HWY 14 and Main in Wortham, TX, (between Mexia and Corsicana.) We are a varied community of believers ranging from nursery children to senior adults. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:45 and Worship follows at 11:00. We invite you to come grow with us as we seek to offer Christ to all.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Stewardship Begins
This month we will be discussing our commitment to, not only the church, but to God. As United Methodists we vow to support our church, and therefore God, through our "prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness." That is what we will be covering through the sermons this month as well as in other ways.
A major part of this discussion will be our own personal financial situations as well as what it means to tithe, i.e. to give a tenth of all you have to the Lord. I have heard some say well, I give more time so that counts for money. I have used this same line of reasoning as well, BUT... if we are true to our conviction that all we have and all we are truly belongs to God, then would it not make sense to give at least a tenth of all we have back to God? At tenth of our time, a tenth of our energy, a tenth of our resources, a tenth of our finances...?
This month I hope we can challenge each other to look beyond our conventional wisdom and see how it is that God is calling us to be His people.
Peace and Grace,
A major part of this discussion will be our own personal financial situations as well as what it means to tithe, i.e. to give a tenth of all you have to the Lord. I have heard some say well, I give more time so that counts for money. I have used this same line of reasoning as well, BUT... if we are true to our conviction that all we have and all we are truly belongs to God, then would it not make sense to give at least a tenth of all we have back to God? At tenth of our time, a tenth of our energy, a tenth of our resources, a tenth of our finances...?
This month I hope we can challenge each other to look beyond our conventional wisdom and see how it is that God is calling us to be His people.
Peace and Grace,