Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fall is in the air!

Fall is in the air!!! It may only be September but the cool air of the Fall is already being felt. AND... along with Fall comes all the Fall activities. This Fall we are expanding our Christian Education program here at the church. Starting September 7, 2008 we will have more Sunday School classes for more ages of children and youth and more interest for adults. The following classes are now available for you and your family: Nursery (serving cradle age children to age 3), Early Elementary Children (serving children pre-K age (4) through 1st Grade), Older Elementary Children (serving children 2nd Grade through 5th Grade), Youth (serving 6th Grade through 12th Grade), and two adult classes (one studying Cokesbury's "Adult Bible Study" materials and the other reading and studying various books by modern popular Christian writers such as Philip Yancy, Robert Schnaze, Max Lucado, and others). You are welcome here and we have a place for you.
Come be a part of something new & Come grow with us!

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